About Me

(The Official and Not-so-Official) 


The Not-so-Official Introduction

I’m a vegemite-loving Aussie who fell in love with an American and now lives in the US. We had a baby (Benjamin), born in 2019 and voted Best Baby 2019 and 2020. The judges of the vote were me and his dad— it was unanimous. Little Evelyn arrived in March of 2022 and they are slated for a tie in the next vote.

I love all music, and it’s not uncommon for me to listen to country, classical, and jazz in the same session, after singing loudly to pop and heating up the car with my rapping, which is Notoriously B.A.D.  

I love exploring the world and I used to be a fashion buyer. I love what I do now. I love everything about it, but especially the part where I get to be involved in people discovering something new for themselves.

I like nutella. A lot. Almost as much as I like Fritos (which I only recently discovered - good work, USA!) When Harry Met Sally is my favourite movie. I'm not good with scary things, and my tolerance for them has a hard-stop at Mission Impossible. I could spend my life at Disneyland. I kind of do spend my life at Disneyland. Seinfeld is often in the background.  

I love science documentaries and crime novels. I prefer red wine over white, and dark chocolate over.. most things. I spend a lot of time in Sephora and "a lot" is most definitely a conservative estimate.

I'm a dreamer and a doer. I love listening to people talk about their passion. I come from a big Italian family, and I can confirm every stereotype you're thinking… My Nonna is probably trying to feed me right now, or at the very least, insulted I didn’t finish the twelve-course lunch.

I am hopeful and I believe in the power and importance of kindness. I just want to leave the some part of the world better than I found it, and laugh as often as possible.

The Official Introduction

Renee Noa Harris is an Australian mindfulness teacher who specializes in mixed-modality experiences, bringing together yoga, breathwork, meditation, and sound healing.  Following a broad career in business marketing and fashion, Renee shifted her trajectory, traveling the world to study extensively with some of the industry’s most renowned teachers.

Renee combines her passion for the practice, knowledge of the body, and deep understanding of self-development to lead classes, run global retreats, and train teachers across Australia, Europe, and the US.

With her approachable teaching style and creative, intelligent sequencing, Renee is able to guide students on a complete and meaningful journey for the body and mind. Her classes are intentional, dynamic, powerful, and uplifting. She’s dedicated to the creation and development of community, and inspires her students to do the work of the practice both on their mat and in their lives.

In addition to digital and live classes, Renee has connected the dots between her current life and business background. She regularly works with brands from Dr. Barbara Sturm to Amazon, using her methods of introspection and mindfulness to support corporate and community wellness, and deliver the brand’s message in a unique and connected way.

A lifelong student, Renee firmly believes she can only serve her student’s growth when she is consistently committed to her own. She remains passionate about her ongoing learning, consistently updating and evolving her skillset.


Have questions for Renee? Get in touch here